
"The stars shall fade away, the sun himself grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, but thou shalt flourish in immortal youth."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Zinefest: Sharing the alternative lines

Written by Nadya Jiwa S. Photography by Andrita Yuniza

Bandung, Gedung Indonesia Menggugat on July 14, 2012 Saturday afternoon filled with a variety of people, from teenagers who came from curiosity to veterans of the underground scene bandung. The goal is one, to participate in Bandung Zine Fest. Bandung Zine Fest is a new event that will be continued in subsequent years. “Hopefully, next year we will make this event even bigger. Because media is needed to introduce these alternative zines to society,” The spokesman of the committee which is formed collectively, Icha Suricha, said. The show is fronted by Icha Suricha from Seputar Berputar; Reka from Ruang Kecil and RottenCook; Deden a.k.a DenXdru from Mata-mata Distribution, Lapuk,dll.; Acil from Enjoy Zine; Aray from K***ol Kobra;Dian from Ruang Kecil; Komet from Kebebasan Mutlak and Mari Rusuh Bersama; and also Iman from Destruction. The visitors were given free space to read the alternative zine collection which is very rarely found in public places and also the magazines that were displayed. 

The zine collection is not limited by only the ones that come from Bandung but various, starting from Jakarta alternative zines, Tanggerang, Depok, Jogja, Magelang, Palembang, Makassar, Solo, to American alternative zines;for example the classic alternative zine Microcosm Publishing. Series of events that take place are as follows: exhibition of posters and zines, workshop, film screening, and discussion with Herry Sutresna a.k.a Ucok a.k.a Morgue Vanguard. Unfortunately the workshop was not held due to insufficient numbers of participants.

Even with no hard paper and printing machinery, paper and copier become the alternative. That line fits perfectly to describe the alternative zines displayed at BZF, where magazines are produced autonomously based on think-tank/non-profit journalism. Besides BZF function as ‘playground’ for the zinemaker artists, magazine acts as a counter culture of mainstream magazines run by commercial, government supported, as well as presenting information that also mainstream. Aesthetically, the production and distribution process, and the relation between the zinemaker and the reader is different.
For example, the difference can be seen through Mas Bebe’s explanation who works at the alternative IM Book book store at the second floor of Gedung Indonesia Menggugat, he said that he produces magazine by involving kindergarten kids as the contributors. At the process, they gather and draw together with certain theme, and then their artworks are copied. Their artworks were given as free at this event. The difference also exists on Paper Zine, alternative magazine with the theme of social issues. Ican, one of the makers gave a statement, “Better read than tweet”.

As final words, Icha Suricha advised,”Read, think, make and share”. 


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