
"The stars shall fade away, the sun himself grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, but thou shalt flourish in immortal youth."


FUR is an alternative art magazine which allow young artsy people who feels like in need to share their artworks, point of views, ideas, reviews, or any other kind of art related, to others! We are so ever welcome in supporting contributors from anywhere by putting it up on our blog and/or zine. Interested? Just drop us an email stating your intention and wait for a kind reply from us!

Jl. Kaliurang Km 7,3 No. 32 a
Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

e: fur.magazine@yahoo.com
p:      (+62) 812 953 46 508 (DESTA)
          (+65) 97275338 (DEBRA)

Interested in advertising and/or partnering with us?
Just drop us an email stating your intention and wait for a kind reply from us!

Tampan Destawan Subagyo, Debra Raymond, Kanya Stira Sjahrir, Indira I.A. Iman, Olivia Samantha,  Alodia Amanda Margaretha 

You can be a freelance journalist, just send your event report, interview (with artist, musician or all about creative people), Photo essay to: fur.magazine@yahoo.com
Attach your name, about you, and personal site.

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